My Name is Sandro Heitor, I may be labelled a “mentor” or “coach” but far from, I’m just an individual just like you, who has gone through very deep lessons that enabled me to be in the position to share powerful conversations.
Through my entrepreneurial journey and personal life, I have been faced with many challenges and traumatic experiences some of which took more than just a conversation, mentor, counselling, Reiki or any type of work on a physical level to heal from.
Through my self work and the different types of healing, the conclusion was that yes, they all served a purpose, but not all of them were sustainable for me or one’s lifetime. Deep thinker as I am the question that was left was, why is this?
Well, the answer came quickly, when you ask the right question and it’s because self work should never stop and it’s our mission as Human beings to work and process what life throws at us and not to distract ourselves from the fact.
Toxicity has a huge influence in who we become, if the awareness isn’t there.
I have empowered many clients through this process, setting boundaries, cultivate self-esteem and develop healthy habits, which will work for them, not against them. Ranging from private clients to co -operate executives, even students or victims of abuse, I am passionate about my journey and sharing the relevance of toxicity to empower people like you, to build better connections and creating a more positive world.
– Sandro Heitor
“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said” – Peter Drucker